Myth busting: The differences in scapular positioning for bodyweight and barbell exercises and cuing versus technique

I’ve seen numerous comments here and then also questions in over the years about scapular positioning during bodyweight exercises. Scapular positioning is a bit different from barbell work in quite a few cases. For example, there’s a difference between pushups and bench press: Bench press — you start with depressed

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ISSN position stands: protein and exercise; diets and body composition; safety and efficacy of creatine supplementation in exercise, sport, and medicine

Going quietly under the radar, the ISSN — International Society of Sports Nutrition — has just recently released 3 position stands this past June 2017. They’re well sourced research articles that give scientific based prescriptions. Protein and exercise Diets and body composition Safety and efficacy of creatine supplementation in exercise,

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